

日本酒発祥の地 島根県酒造組合

Itakura shuzo

For 140 years and counting since our establishment in 1871, our sake has been well liked by the local sake-lovers as literal jizake brewed by Izumo toji using local rice and water. One of our brand “Tenon” was named after the phrase “Mukyu Tenon” in 1916 with our wish for eternal peace.

Contact information

468 Enya-cho, Izumo-shi Shimane 693-0021
TEL/ +81-853-21-0434


天穏 純米吟醸

Tenon Junmai ginjo

Perfect to enjoy with meals for its mildness, elegance and naturalness in its ginjo flavor and taste

rice used kairyo omachi
rice-polishing ratio 55%
alcohol strength 15%
sake meter value +5
天穏 純米酒

Tenon Junmai-shu

Having a soft and sharp quality, to be enjoyed cold and hot

rice used gohyakumangoku
rice-polishing ratio 65%
alcohol strength 15%
sake meter value +7


tour the brewery

Please contact us beforehand for appointment. We may have to turn down your request due to our situation.